Batrachospermum Occurrence:- (1) Batrachospermum is fresh water alga. (2) It is found in clear, cool, and running streams. (3) Deepwater plants are dark violet or reddish in color. But the shallow-water species are olive green. (4) The intensity of light changes the color of pigments. (5) The thallus is attached to the substratum. Vegetative structure (1) The thallus of an adult plant is soft, thick, filamentous. (2) It is freely branched and gelatinous. (3) The central axis is made up of a single row of large cells. Whorls of branches of limited growth are developed on this axis. (4) These branches are filamentous and dichotomously arranged. (5) The main axis is corticated. It consists of a row of elongated cylindrical cells....
Important points:-
(i) The Ectocarpales include about
60 genera which inhabit cold sea of temperate and polar regions.
(ii) The thallus mostly shows
heterotrichous habit with prostrate creeping disc holdfast and monosiphonous
filament making erect system.
(iii) The growth is trichothallic
and the cell divisions are intercalary.
(iv) The asexual reproduction
takes place by zoospores formed in unilocular and plurilocular sporangia.
(v) The sexual reproduction is
isogamous or oogamous.
(vi) The life cycle is isomorphic
Thallus Structure:-
The plant body is mostly typically
heterotrichous and differentiated into (a) creeping or prostrates system and
(b) projecting an erect system. In some species one of the two systems may be
reduced. In epiphytic forms the prostrate system is well developed and the
erect system is reduced.
In many species of Ectocarpus, the
thallus is sparingly to profusely branched, the cells are uniseriate, joined
end to end in a row. In some species, the older portions of the main branches
are corticated by a layer of descending rhizoidal branches. In many species the
terminal portion of a branch may end in a colourless hair with a basal
Structure of Cell:-
The cells are generally
rectangular, uninucleate and the nucleus is placed in the region of the central
vacuole, suspended by protoplasmic threads. The cell contains a few parietal
band shaped chromatophores with irregular branches (E. siliculosus) or many
disc shaped chromatophores (E. granulosus) .The chromatophores contain large
amount of xanthophyll’s in addition to chlorophyll.
Fucosan vesicles or granules are
present in large number along with pyrenoid like bodies in the cell. The
reserve food material is in form of laminarin and mannitol. The cell wall is
differentiated into two layers, the inner firm layer is made of cellulose and
the outer gelatinous layer contains alginic acid.
Reproduction in Ectocarpus:
In Ectocarpus the reproduction
takes place by asexual and sexual methods :-
(1) Asexual Reproduction :-
asexual reproduction takes places
with the help of biflagellate zoospores. These zoospores are produced in
unilocular and plurilocular sporangia.
The sporophytic diploid plant
forms two types of sporangia:
(a) Unilocular sporangia
(b) Plurilocular sporangia.
These two types of zoosporangia
may be produced on the same plant or on different plants. The unilocular
zoosporangia form haploid zoospores and the plurilocular sprogania form diploid
Unilocular Sporangia:-
The unilocular sporangia develop
singly on tips of small branchlets. The terminal cell of the branchlet
gradually increases in size and becomes ellipsoidal. This cell functions as
sporangial initial . The nucleus of sporangial cell first divides by meiotic
division followed by many equational divisions. This results in formation of
32-64 haploid nuclei .
The nuclear divisions are not
followed by wall formation and the sporangium remains unilocular . Each nucleus
of the sporganiuin gets surrounded by protoplast segment and ultimately
transforms into 32-64 zoospores . Each zoospore is pyriform, uninucleate with
two laterally inserted unequal flagella.
The anterior flagellum is longer,
pantonematic and directed forward while the posterior is shorter, acronematic
and directed backward .
The zoospores discharge en-masse
in gelatinous matrix through a terminal pore in sporangium. The zoospores after
being discharged remain in spherical mass at the apex of sporangium. The
zoospores remain inactive for 30-60 seconds then become free and swim in water.
They remain motile for about 30 minutes.
These zoospores are haploid, they
withdraw flagella and attach to the substratum by their anterior ends. The
zoospores germinate within 2-3 hours to produce a new Ectocarpus plant which is
similar to sporophytic plant in structure .These plants are called gametophytic
plants as on maturity they bear plurilocular gametangia.
In this Notes we will discuss
about Ectocarpus. After reading this article you will learn about:- 1.
Classification of Ectocarpus 2. Occurrence of Ectocarpus 3. Thallus Structure
4. Cell Structure 5. Growth 6. Reproduction 7. Fertilization 8. Life Cycle.
Classification of Ectocarpus:
1. Ectocarpales
2. Tilopteridales
3. Cutleriales
4. Sporochnales
5. Desmarestiales
6. Laminariales
7. Sphacelariales
8. Dictyotales
9. Fucales.
(i) The Ectocarpales include about
60 genera which inhabit cold sea of temperate and polar regions.
(ii) The thallus mostly shows
heterotrichous habit with prostrate creeping disc holdfast and monosiphonous
filament making erect system.
(iii) The growth is trichothallic
and the cell divisions are intercalary.
(iv) The asexual reproduction
takes place by zoospores formed in unilocular and plurilocular sporangia.
(v) The sexual reproduction is
isogamous or oogamous.
(vi) The life cycle is isomorphic
Family: Ectocarpaceae:
(i) The family Ectocarpaceae is
characterized by simple, heterotrichous thalli.
(ii) The sexual reproduction is
(iii) The alternation of
generation is isomorphic.
(iv) The plants are marine.
Ectocarpaceae in India is mainly represented by Ectocarpus, Compsonema,
Giffordia and Myrionema.
Systematic Position:
Class: Phaeophyceae
Order: Ectocarpales
Family: Ectocarpaceae
Genus: Ectocarpus
Occurrence of Ectocarpus:
Ectocarpus is word-wide in
distribution particulary in colder seas and Polar Regions. Ectocarpus is very
common on sea shore of Atlantic Ocean. Ectocarpus is found attached on sea
Some species of Ectocarpus are
epiphytic e.g., E. coniferus, and E. breviarticulatus grow on larger algae like
Fucus and Laminaria. E. dermonematus is endophytic species. E. fasciculatus is
epizoic species growing on fins of faster. In India Ectocaupus is represented
by about 100 species.
Thallus Structure:
The plant body is mostly typically
heterotrichous and differentiated into (a) creeping or prostrates system and
(b) projecting an erect system. In some species one of the two systems may be
reduced. In epiphytic forms the prostrate system is well developed and the
erect system is reduced.
In many species of Ectocarpus, the
thallus is sparingly to profusely branched, the cells are uniseriate, joined
end to end in a row. In some species, the older portions of the main branches
are corticated by a layer of descending rhizoidal branches. In many species the
terminal portion of a branch may end in a colourless hair with a basal meristem
Ectocarpus Thallus
Structure of Cell:
The cells are generally rectangular,
uninucleate and the nucleus is placed in the region of the central vacuole,
suspended by protoplasmic threads. The cell contains a few parietal band shaped
chromatophores with irregular branches (E. siliculosus) or many disc shaped
chromatophores (E. granulosus) . The chromatophores contain large amount of
xanthophyll’s in addition to chlorophyll.
Fucosan vesicles or granules are
present in large number along with pyrenoid like bodies in the cell. The
reserve food material is in form of laminarin and mannitol. The cell wall is
differentiated into two layers, the inner firm layer is made of cellulose and
the outer gelatinous layer contains alginic acid.
Growth of Ectocarpus:
The growth in the prostrate system
is apical and in the erect system it is diffuse and intercalary. In intercalary
or trichothallic growth meristem is located at the base of a hair (E.
irregularis and E. paradoxus). The growth is apical in E. lucifugus.
Reproduction in Ectocarpus:
In Ectocarpus the reproduction
takes place by asexual and sexual methods.
Asexual Reproduction in Ectocarpus:
The asexual reproduction takes
places with the help of biflagellate zoospores. These zoospores are produced in
unilocular and plurilocular sporangia .
The sporophytic diploid plant
forms two types of sporangia:
(a) Unilocular sporangia
(b) Plurilocular sporangia.
These two types of zoosporangia
may be produced on the same plant or on different plants. The unilocular
zoosporangia form haploid zoospores and the plurilocular sprogania form diploid
Unilocular Sporangia:
The unilocular sporangia develop
singly on tips of small branchlets. The terminal cell of the branchlet
gradually increases in size and becomes ellipsoidal. This cell functions as
sporangial initial . The nucleus of sporangial cell first divides by meiotic
division followed by many equational divisions. This results in formation of
32-64 haploid nuclei .
The nuclear divisions are not
followed by wall formation and the sporangium remains unilocular . Each nucleus
of the sporganiuin gets surrounded by protoplast segment and ultimately
transforms into 32-64 zoospores . Each zoospore is pyriform, uninucleate with
two laterally inserted unequal flagella.
The anterior flagellum is longer,
pantonematic and directed forward while the posterior is shorter, acronematic
and directed backward .
The zoospores discharge en-masse
in gelatinous matrix through a terminal pore in sporangium. The zoospores after
being discharged remain in spherical mass at the apex of sporangium. The
zoospores remain inactive for 30-60 seconds then become free and swim in water.
They remain motile for about 30 minutes.
These zoospores are haploid, they
withdraw flagella and attach to the substratum by their anterior ends. The
zoospores germinate within 2-3 hours to produce a new Ectocarpus plant which is
similar to sporophytic plant in structure . These plants are called
gametophytic plants as on maturity they bear plurilocular gametangia.
According to Knight (1929),
Schussing and Kothbaouer (1934), rarely the zoospores released from unilocular
sporangia, show pairing and fusion but the fate of such zygotes is not known.
Development of Unilocular
Sporangium Plurilocular or Neutral Sporangia:
Like unilocular sporangia, the
plurilocular sporangia also develop from the terminal cells of the branchlets
of diploid sporophytic plant. The cell which functions as sporangial initial enlarges in size and becomes spherical or
elongated structure. It repeatedly undergoes transverse divisions to form a row
of 5-12 cells . Then vertical divisions start in all the cells starting with
the median cells of the row.
Many transverse and vertical
divisions result in formation of cubical cells arranged in 20-40 transverse
tiers . The cells are arranged in regular rows. This multicellular structure is
called plurilocular sporangium.
The protoplast of each diploid
uninucleate cell of the sporangium is transformed into a single biflagellate
zoospore . The zoospores of plurilocular and unilocular sporangia are identical
in structure but zoospores of plurilocular sporangia are diploid and zoospores
of unilocular sporangia are haploid.
Development of Plurilocular
The mature zoospores are liberated
from the sporangium through apical or lateral pores. The zoospores remain
motile for 4-5 hours and then germinate into diploid thallus which later on
bears unilocular and plurilocular sporangia.
These diploid zoospores multiply
only sporophytic plants and they do not play any role in alternation of
generation. The formation of unilocular and plurilocular sporangia is affected
by environmental conditions like temperature and salinity of water. E.
siliculosus produces unilocular sporangia at 13°C, plurilocular at 19°C and
both unilocular and plurilocular at 16°C.
Sexual Reproduction in
The sexual reproduction may be
isogamous, anisogamous or oogamous. Most of the Ectocarpus species are
anisogamous. The gametes are biflagellate, motile and are produced in
plurilocular gametangia borne on haploid or unisexual plants.
The plurilocular gametangia and
plurilocular sporangia are similar in structure and development. The
plurilocular gametangia are either sessile or stalked and vary in shape from
ovate to siliquose. The plurilocular gametangia develop singly from the
terminal cell of the lateral branchlets.
The gametangial initial divides
transversely to form a row of 6-12 cells. Further divisions are transverse and
vertical in these cells to make hundreds of cubical cells arranged in 20-40
transverse layers. The protoplast of each cubical cell in gametangium
metamorphosis into single biflagellate pyriform gamete. The gametes are liberated
in water through terminal or lateral pore in gametangium.
In E. siliculosus the gametes are
morphologically similar . Hence the reproduction is isogamous but
physiologically anisogamous. The fertilization occurs between gametes from
separate plants. These gametes are morphologically identical but one is less
active, becomes passive after a short period and behaves as female gamete. The
more active gametes are considered male.
The active male gametes cluster
around female gamete and cling themselves by their anterior flagellum. It is
known as clump formation. In this clump formation . one male gamete is able to
fuse with female gamete. The gametes fuse to form a diploid zygote. In other
species of Ectocarpus gametes from same plant can fuse to form a zygote showing
isogamous reproduction.
In E. secundus, the sexual
reproduction is anisogamous, the gametes are different in size. The smaller
gametes are produced in micro-gametangia and the larger are produced in bigger
mega-gametangia. The micro-and macrogametes after liberation fuse and form
Anisogamous Type reproduction in Ectocapous |
In E. padinae three distinct types
of plurilocular gametangia are formed. The largest mega-gametangia represent
oogonia and the smallest micro-gametangia represent antheridia .
The egg and antherozoids produced
by the mature mega-gametangia and micro-gametangia fuse to form zygospore. The
medium sized meso-gametangia give rise to medium size gametes. They do not fuse
but develop new plant parthenogenetically.
Oogamous |
Fertilization in Ectocarpus:
In isogamous species the fusing
gametes are morphologically and physiologically similar. The two gametes of
same gametangium or from two different gametangium of same thallus fuse to from
zygospore. In physiologically anisogamous species, gametes from two filaments
of different strains fuse. The female gamete after liberation secretes a
volatile sexual attractant sirenine.
A large number of male gametes are
attracted and cluster around female gamete to make clump formation . After
sometime one male gamete fuses egg to make zygospore and other gametes detach
themselves from female gamete. The zygospore germinates after 2-3 days. Its
diploid nucleus divides mitotically to make diploid Ectocarpus plant.
Life Cycle of Ectocarpus:
The sexual thalli of Ectocarpus
are haploid. The haploid plants bear plurilocular gametangia. The isogametes or
anisogametes fuse to form diploid zygospore. The diploid nucleus of zygospore
divides mitotically during germination. This forms diploid, sporophylic plants.
The diploid plants bear both unilocular and plurilocular sporangia.
The zoospores formed in
plurilocular sporangia are diploid and give rise to diploid sporophytic plants
on germination. The zoospores formed in unilocular sporangia are haploid and on
germination form haploid gametophytic thalli. In Ectocarpus the sporophytic and
gametophytic plants are morphologically similar hence there is isomorphic
alternation of generation .
Life Cycle of Ectocarpous |
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