Batrachospermum Occurrence:- (1) Batrachospermum is fresh water alga. (2) It is found in clear, cool, and running streams. (3) Deepwater plants are dark violet or reddish in color. But the shallow-water species are olive green. (4) The intensity of light changes the color of pigments. (5) The thallus is attached to the substratum. Vegetative structure (1) The thallus of an adult plant is soft, thick, filamentous. (2) It is freely branched and gelatinous. (3) The central axis is made up of a single row of large cells. Whorls of branches of limited growth are developed on this axis. (4) These branches are filamentous and dichotomously arranged. (5) The main axis is corticated. It consists of a row of elongated cylindrical cells. (6) It is differentiated into nodes and internodes. (7) There are two types of branches that arise from the nodes: Branches of limited growth Branches of unlimited growth Batra
Stratergies for improvement in food production Animal Breeding :- Mating and croos of animal to enhance its varity or phylogeny quality or yield . Animal Husbandary :- The agricultural apply of breeding and raising eutherian mammal ,e.g. cow,pig,buffaloes,horses etc. Breeding :- Bee keeping production of honey,Dairy farm is that the management of animal for milk and its production for human consumption. Fisheries :- An trade dedicated to rearing ,catching,processing of commerce of fish shellfish or alternative aquatic animals. Green Revolution :- Dramatic increase in food production in Nineteen Sixties as a results of caultivation of high yielding illness resistance varities of wheat rise and maize etc. developed through breeding techniques is reffered to as revolution . Mutual Breeding :- Obtaining of crop plants with fascinating characters by artificial or evoked mutation and mistreatment them a cloth in br