Batrachospermum Occurrence:- (1) Batrachospermum is fresh water alga. (2) It is found in clear, cool, and running streams. (3) Deepwater plants are dark violet or reddish in color. But the shallow-water species are olive green. (4) The intensity of light changes the color of pigments. (5) The thallus is attached to the substratum. Vegetative structure (1) The thallus of an adult plant is soft, thick, filamentous. (2) It is freely branched and gelatinous. (3) The central axis is made up of a single row of large cells. Whorls of branches of limited growth are developed on this axis. (4) These branches are filamentous and dichotomously arranged. (5) The main axis is corticated. It consists of a row of elongated cylindrical cells....
Echinus (Spines) dermal(Skin or
layer ), means spines bearing animals.
(1) These
are exclusively marine.
(2) Organ
level of organization.
Radial symmetry with the Bilateral larval stage.
(4) Body
without segmented.
(5) Coelom
(6) Triploblastic
and Schizocoelom.
(7) Presence
of Tube feet.
(8) Water The vascular system is present
(9) The shape of the body is star-shaped, flat and elongated.
(10) The function of Water Vascular System is (Hint:- LCR
Locomotion, Circulation, and Respiration.
(11) Blood has no Pigment or blood is colorless.
(12) Digestive of the system is Complete.
(13) Sexes are Monoceious or may be Diecious.
(14) Development is indirect with the formation of the larval
(15) Sea cucumber larva is “auricularia “.
This Phylum is divided into 5
(1) The body is flattened star-shaped with five arms
(2) They possess tube feet with a sucker
(3) Presence of calcareous plates and movable spines.
(4) Respiratory organ:
Examples: Asterias (Starfish), Astropecten, Zoraster, Oleaster
(1) The body is flat with pentamerous disc
(2) They possess a long arm which is sharply
demarcated from the central disc.
(3) They possess tube feet without sucker
(4) Anus and intestine are absent
(5) Respiratory organ: Bursae
Examples: Ophiderma, ophiothrix,
Astrophyton, Amphuria, etc
(1) The body is disc-like hemispherical
(2)They are devoid of arms or free-rays.
(3)They possess tube feet with a sucker
. (4) They possess compact skeleton and movable spines
. Examples: Echinus (Sea
urchin), Cidaris, Arbacia, Echinocardium. Diadema
(1) The body is elongated in the oral-aboral
axis and it is like cucumber.
(2) They have no arms, spines, and pedicellariae.
(3) The tube feet are sucking type which is
modified into tentacles and form a circle
around the mouth.
(4) Respiratory organ: cloacal respiratory tree
Examples: Cucumaria (Sea
cucumber), Holothuria, Mesothuria, etc
(1)Body is star-shaped
(2)Some of the forms were extinct and
living forms.
(3)Arms bifurcated, with two pinnules.
(4)They have tube feet without suckers
Examples: Neometra, Antedon, Rhizocrinus, etc
Phylum Mollusca:-
Soft-bodied Organism With a covering of cavity is called
Mollusca |
(1) Infolded A skin forms hard covering on the surface of the Mental cavity.
(2) Schizocoelom type of Coelom.
(3) Organ Level of organization.
(4) Bilateral symmetry.
(5) Closed circulatory system.
(6) Respiration is by Gills (Ctnidia) Present in
Mental cavity.
(7) Excretion by a Pair of metanephridia.
(8) The heart consists of One Auricle and one ventricle.
(9) Nervous the system consists of Three pair of
Ganglia,(cerebral, visceral, and pedal).
(10) Reproduction by Fusion
of gametes.
(11) Development may be direct or indirect by Trochophore
(12) Fertilization external or Internal.
Mainly this Phyla is classified into 3 classes, Total 6 classes
but we study only 3 classes.
(1) Gastropoda
(2) Pelecypoda
(3) Cephalopoda
(1) Pelecypoda:-
(1) Habitat: mostly marine
(2) They burrow in mud and sand.
(3) Symmetry: bilateral and the body is laterally compressed.
(4) No distinct head
Examples: Mussels, Unio, Mytilus
(2) Gastropoda:-
(1)Habitat: These are either aquatic or terrestrial
(2) They possess a spiral shell.
(3) The foot is large and flat.
(4) The Head is well developed with tentacles and eyes.
Examples: Hilex (Snail), Limax (Slug), Pila (Apple snail).
(3) Cephalopoda
(1) Habitat: mostly marine.
(2) They
are adapted for swimming.
(3)The foot is modified into eight to ten long
tentacles in the head region.
(4)The shell is either external, internal, or absent.
Examples: Octopus, Loligo, Sepia, spirula, Nau
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