Batrachospermum Occurrence:- (1) Batrachospermum is fresh water alga. (2) It is found in clear, cool, and running streams. (3) Deepwater plants are dark violet or reddish in color. But the shallow-water species are olive green. (4) The intensity of light changes the color of pigments. (5) The thallus is attached to the substratum. Vegetative structure (1) The thallus of an adult plant is soft, thick, filamentous. (2) It is freely branched and gelatinous. (3) The central axis is made up of a single row of large cells. Whorls of branches of limited growth are developed on this axis. (4) These branches are filamentous and dichotomously arranged. (5) The main axis is corticated. It consists of a row of elongated cylindrical cells....
Why is mineral nutrition important in plants?
Where are mineral nutrients mostly used in plants?
It was given
by Julius Von Sachs. aquacultural is growing of plants in an exceedingly
outlined nutrient Solution, within the absence of soil. It helps the USA to review
the result of adding, removing or variable the concentration of any specific
mineral component. Essential components are often known by this technique, and
their deficiency symptoms are often noted.
Criteria for the importance of part are:-
necessary for the completion of the life cycle of a plant; necessary for its
growth and copy.
• Its demand
is restricted, and not exchangeable by the other component.
• Directly
concerned within the metabolism of the plant.
Categories of Essential Elements:-
components area unit seventeen.
• essentially classified according to:
Their requirements:
Macronutrients – gift in massive amounts in tissues (C, H, O, N, P, S, K, Mg,
• Micronutrients – gift in tiny amounts in
tissues (Fe, Mn, Cu, Mo, Zn, B, Cl, Ni).
Functions performed in an exceedingly plant:
of biomolecules (C, H, O, N)
• elements
of energy-related chemical compounds (Mg – chlorophyl ; P – ATP)
• Activation / Inhibition of enzymes – Mo
(enzyme nitrogenise)
• components
that activates diffusion potential of cell – K (opening and shutting of
Deficiency Symptoms of Essential components :-
If essential
components area unit below their vital concentration (amount of nutrients
needed for traditional growth and development of plants), plants show sure
morphological and evident characters. Those characters area unit referred to as
as Deficiency symptoms.
Deficiency symptoms:-
(Loss of Chlorophyll) - ends up in yellowing of leaves - N, K, Mg, S, Fe, Mn,
Zn, Mo.
Chlorosis |
• death
(Death of Tissue) - Ca, Cu, K, Mg • Delayed flowering - N, S, Mo
• Inhibition
of organic process - N, K, S, Mo.
Toxicity of Micronutrients :-
Any mineral
particle concentration that reduces the dry weight of tissues by 100% is taken
into account harmful.
• Toxicity
of 1 component might result in deficiency of different components since the
previous might inhibit the uptake of latter.
• For
example; Mn competes with Fe, Mg for uptake and conjointly inhibits Ca
translocation to shoot apex. Therefore, Mn toxicity symptoms are literally same
as deficiency symptoms of Fe, Mg, and Ca.
Nitrogen Metabolism:-
Nitrogen Cycle::-
fixation: the method of conversion of atomic number 7 (N2) into ammonia (NH3)
• Ammonification:
the method of decomposition of organic atomic number 7 of
plants and animals into ammonia.
• Nitrification:
The ammonia thus fashioned
might modify and come in the atmosphere, or a number of the ammonia could also
be born-again into nitrate by soil bacterium.
These area
unit the steps concerned in nitrification. The nitrate thus fashioned are often
simply absorbed by the plants, and transported to leaves.
In leaves,
nitrate is reduced to ammonia to make the methane series cluster of amino
• Denitrification:
method of reduction of the
nitrate gift in soil to atomic number 7. meted out by bacterium like
Pseudomonas and eubacterium.
atomic number 7 Fixation:-
Reduction of
atomic number 7 to ammonia by living organisms is named Biological organic
• sure
prokaryotes (bacteria) area unit ready to fix atomic number 7 as a result of
the catalyst enzyme is gift completely in them.
N ≡ N ----------->NH3
• Nitrogen-fixing microbes are often classified as follows:
o life style : Aerobic (Azotobacter),
Anaerobic (Rhodospirillum), eubacteria (Nostoc, Anabaena).
o dependent – with herbaceous plant plants
(Rhizobium), with non-leguminous plants (Frankia).
It wants 3
biological elements : o A reducer to transfer atom to dinitrogen (N ≡ N)
o nucleotide
to supply energy
o catalyst
system , enzyme, Mo- Fe macromolecule and leghaemoglobin.
Nodule Formation:-
Root hair
comes in grips with bacteria genus. It becomes arciform and malformed thanks to
the chemical secretion.
• Plant forms AN infection thread, grows
within and delivers bacterium to the animal tissue tissue.
• bacterium manufacture phytohormone and plant
hormone that is made by the plant to stimulate organic process and enlarge to
make nodules.
• Nodules
type contact with tube-shaped structure tissues and find food.
• Formation
of root nodules and organic process occur below the management of nod genes of
legumes and nod, nif and fix genes of bacterium.
Synthesis of amino acids :-
fashioned by organic process is employed for the synthesis of amino acids.
• There area
unit two processes by that amino acids area unit synthesized
Reductive amination
reacts with - ketoglutaric acid and forms glutaminic acid.
it's catalysed by salt dehydrogenase
cluster|amino|group|radical|chemical group} of 1 aminoalkanoic acid is
transferred to keto group of a keto – acid.
acid is that the main aminoalkanoic acid that transfers its chemical group
(NH2) to make seven different amino acids by the catalyst transferase.
Amides :-
By the replacement of OH- of the
aminoalkanoic acid by NH2 radical.
amino acid
and amino acid area unit amines fashioned from aminoalkanoic acid and
glutaminic acid within the presence of catalyst asparagines synthetase and
amino acid synthetase.
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