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Batrachospermum :Origin ,strucutre ,Thallus organisation and reproduction

                                              Batrachospermum Occurrence:-   (1) Batrachospermum is fresh water alga.    (2) It is found in clear, cool, and running streams.   (3) Deepwater plants are dark violet or reddish in color. But the shallow-water species are olive green.   (4) The intensity of light changes the color of pigments.   (5) The thallus is attached to the substratum. Vegetative structure  (1) The thallus of an adult plant is soft, thick, filamentous.  (2) It is freely branched and gelatinous.   (3) The central axis is made up of a single row of large cells. Whorls of branches of limited growth        are developed on this axis.  (4) These branches are filamentous and dichotomously arranged.  (5) The main axis is corticated. It consists of a row of elongated cylindrical cells....

Geological Time Table

                                 Geological Time Table 

Meaning of time Scale:

Geological time scale may be a table showing the sequence of earth science periods within the history of earth. 
Geological time table
Geological Time Table

It additionally shows the lengths of your time totally different earth science periods square measure assumed to own occupied it's measured in a lot of years.

 it's been made by learning rock strata, wherever these are exposed by excavations or mining or wherever rivers have cut deeply into the earth’s crust.

Scientists have established that lower the rock layer the older it's and therefore the additional ancient square measure the fossils it contains.

 With a data of rates of abrasion and deposition, the intervals occupied by totally different periods will be calculable roughly by measure the relative thicknesses of the rock strata.

By the technique of radiometric geological dating (i.e. by measure the rates of decay of radioactive  materials within the rocks) additional correct geological dating will currently be provided.

 within the table of time scale, the results of all such works square measure summarized.

Table additionally shows the kinds of plants that are found throughout totally different periods. the planet has been calculable to be regarding 4600 million years previous.

 Life is believed to own originated regarding 3000-3500 million years past on the planet.

Major Divisions and Subdivisions of time Scale:

Geological time has been divided into some major divisions known as eras . 

every era has been divided into periods, that square measure then divided into epochs.

Different periods square measure recognized in the main on the premise of:

(i) Changes in composition of fossils, and

(ii) The incidence of major earth science events (e.g. episodes of mountain building or major changes in level of seas).

The earliest era is eon, that began regarding 4600 million years past. it's few fossils.

plethoric fossils are rumored within the succeeding eras viz. Palaeozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic era.

Geological Eras:

A geological time may be a terribly division of time, lasting tens of a lot of years. 

Its starting and finish square measure recognized by major changes in layers of rocks and fossils within the earth. 

As mentioned higher than, the earliest era is eon It began regarding 4600 a lot of years past.

 Its period has been 4030 a lot of years.

Palaeozoic era began regarding 570 a lot of years past. Mesozoic era began regarding 225 a lot of years past. 

Cenozoic era is that the most up-to-date era. It began regarding sixty five million years past, when the Mesozoic era, and it's still continued.

Eras square measure divided into periods and epochs.

Geological Periods:

A geological time is split additional into many subdivisions known as periods .

 thus a amount may be a major subdivision of a geological time. 

Major periods of Palaeozoic era square measure Permian, Carboniferous, Devonian, Silurian, geological period and Cambrian. 

Mesozoic era is split into 3 periods viz. Cretaceous, geological period and period.

Similarly Cenozoic era is split into 2 periods viz. Quarternary and Tertiary. 

The oldest best-known amount of time scale is Cambrian (began regarding 570 million years ago) whereas the foremost recent amount is Quaternary (began regarding two.5 million years ago).

Periods square measure divided into epochs.

Geological Epochs:

A subdivision of a geological time is named a earth science epoch. 

Recent, Pleistocene, Pliocene, Miocene, Oligocene, Eocene and epoch square measure the epochs of Periods Quaternary and Tertiary of Cenozoic era .

Major Events of time Scale:

1.. Bryophytes evolved on the planet throughout the Silurian of Paleozoic era (i.e. between 395 to 430 million years ago) and square measure still extant.

2. Pteridophytes evolved someday in period, dominated the planet throughout Carboniferous and square measure still extant.

3. Gymnosperms evolved someday at the top of Triassic period (i.e. regarding 225 million years ago) Mesozoic era, dominated the planet someday throughout Palaeocene epoch (i.e. regarding sixty five million years ago) and square measure still extant.

4. Angiosperms evolved throughout Jurassic of Mesozoic era and square measure currently dominating the planet within the Holocene epoch of period of Cenozoic era.

A outline of time scale is given in Table
Geological time table
Geological Time Table


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Batrachospermum :Origin ,strucutre ,Thallus organisation and reproduction

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