Batrachospermum Occurrence:- (1) Batrachospermum is fresh water alga. (2) It is found in clear, cool, and running streams. (3) Deepwater plants are dark violet or reddish in color. But the shallow-water species are olive green. (4) The intensity of light changes the color of pigments. (5) The thallus is attached to the substratum. Vegetative structure (1) The thallus of an adult plant is soft, thick, filamentous. (2) It is freely branched and gelatinous. (3) The central axis is made up of a single row of large cells. Whorls of branches of limited growth are developed on this axis. (4) These branches are filamentous and dichotomously arranged. (5) The main axis is corticated. It consists of a row of elongated cylindrical cells....
Brassicaceae Diagnostic feature :- (1) Plants herbs with characterstics pungent sulphur smell. (2) Flowers ebractate,bimerous,hypogynous. (3) Inflorescence corymb or corymbose raceme. (4) Sepals 4,polysepalous,in two whoral of two each. (5) Petals 4,polyandrous,cruciform,uniguiculate. (6) Stemans 6 ,polyandrous,tetradynamous. (7) Gynoecium bicarpellary,syncarpous,ovary superiorbecomes bilocular by a false septum,parietal placentation. (8) Fruit siliqua or silicula. Distribution and habits :- The family has 375 genera and 3000 species .Plants are cosmopolitian but occur more frequently in colder regions ,plants are mostly herbs,which may be annuals ,biennial or perinnials .Plants have juices due of sulphur containing glucosides. Brasscia napus (Rapeseeds) Root :- ...